
What is Unemployment?


the act of setting ones self free, by taking your hard earned tax dollars back from the State. i.e. Boobs, Dubes & Tubes

Step into my office...why? Because you're fucking laid off! Join you're local Unemployment Club, i.e UCPB = The unemployment Club of Pacific Beach, California.


The word black people hear the most.

Damn nigga, is you still on unemployment

See unemployed, canned, fired, dropped, cut


In the UK we have a saying. It goes like this. Whats green and gets you fucked? Your Giro! This sums up enemployment exquisitely - go down to the: job centre/ dole office / welfare - pick up your govermental contribution for food and rent, walk out of the building and directly into the nearest pub and spend every last penny of it on alcohol and drugs.

"It's bloody busy in ere, whats the beef?"

"We're next to the labour exchange guv."

See OB


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