What is Unforgivable?
A series of awesome videos, starring a add-libbing black man describing his day, these are the best videos on
So what did you do yesterday?
I watched unforgivable all night, he is king.
adjective: used to describe a certain african american man's exploits. Used to question whether his actions have been beyond recourse.
Also Noun: p.diddy's new cologne line
When you and bovice run a train on some girl at a christmas party. "Bitch, you aint no nerd... i coulda sworn you was... get me a chicken sandwich and some waffle fries... fo free, so i slit his wrists, vertically. now is that unforgivable?"
a series about a very aggresive and hilarious black man on youtube. he tells about his day with bitches, hoes, and cunts. he also enjoys chicken sandwhiches and waffle fries, but only if it's FO FREE!
-nigga dozed off real quick.
-i will slit ya throat err to err.
-get me a chicken sandwhich and some waffle fries,fo'free. bitch turned around asked me what i wanted to drink, i said get me a docta peppa bitch!
-bitch, you ain't no nerd!
-gimme dat v-card!
-my hand - your face, or my gun - your mouth!
-i knocked the braces outta her mouff.
-thats unforgivable!
*thats all i can think of (:
A sexually violent act SO atrocious in nature committed by man towards a woman that no moral boundaries can reconcile.
They emerged from the strain of YouTube videos named "Unforgivable."
An unforgivable tends to occur by drinking-age males who find themselves with an unrelentingly pious girl refusing to commit any acts of imprudence,
Dude: "Bitch, make me a sandwich."
Chick: "But it's 3 o'clock in the morning!"
Dude: "Bitch, I don't care. MAKE ME A SANDWICH NOW!"
Chick: "But-"
*guy slaps her and runs train on her*
Dude: "Bitch, I told you to MAKE ME A SANDWICH!"