What is Unicornism [religion]?


1. The religion where a group of people called "Unicornists". Worship that, 5236 years ago, 'The Unicorn of Destiny' was born, and brought "marijuana" into the universe. "When thy shalt smoke this 'Joint' you shall have holy things run through thy brain." They also beleived that the Unicorn of Destiny fucked the virgin mary, when she was super duper high. And his son is Jesus. Jesus only beleived he was the son of god because he was a crack baby! Now a days groups of people gather in large groups known as "Herb Circles" or "Dude, let's get high" and smoke marijuana cigarretes... Reefers (By the way we never said the unicorn had died)

2. The beleif in having sex with horses enables the baby to grow an ever erected penis on their snout

Both of these definitions are for fun, not for any way of real beleif or offense in any way.

1. Weed.... Bitch... Unicornism Religion

2. Fuck a horse and find out... Unicornism religion

The unicorn thing was necissarry? REARRY?

Both of these definitions are for fun, not for any way of real beleif or offense in any way.

See booty, horse, unicorn, religion, ism, unicornism, marijuana, joint, grape, ape, kush, og, oj, pineapple, express, rape, baby, fucking, midgets


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