What is United States Marine Corps?


Unlike what most people say it is not "better" than the army or any other branch. Each branch has it's on set of jobs and application in times of war. If the Marines were the best (as most military illiterate people think) we wouldn't need anyone else. Also the statement of them being the toughest is almost completely untrue. The statement itself is too ambiguous. Most recruits make it through Marine BCT while other branches have more strenuous training regimen than the overrated "Crucible".

Me- "I train everyday in hopes in one day being a SEAL team member. The dropout from Indoctrination through BUD/s and SQT is over 95% so I'm not going to slack on any of my preparation."

Common Marine Fanboy who scored 10 below ASVAB standard-" Weak ass fag I'm joing the United States Marine Corps! OoORAaHh!!!"

See marines, delta force, military, oorah


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