What is University Of San Diego?


University of San Diego-a top 100 university in the greatest city on earth. Often called one of the most beautiful campuses on earth, it sits on top of a hill overlooking the ocean and looks like a castle with a huge church built in the middle. With a 2 to 1 girl to guy ratio (rumored to have the 2nd hottest girls ranked by Playboy) and just minutes from downtown San Diego and Tijuana, the location of the school is unbeatable.

Last night I went to TJ, got wasted and took the trolley back to the Gaslamp District, had a couple more drinks and somehow woke up in La Jolla.

See TheGlove


USD, known by students as "Univeristy of Spoiled Daughters", is a prestigious school sitting on top of a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Definitley known as one of the most beautiful campuses in the country, it is rumored that the school spends over $1 million a year in upkeep. The school itself offers extensive academic opportunities, with graduate schools in business and law in addition to the undergraduate program.

The students all come from extremely wealthy families, and the student parking lots are almost always filled with BMW's and Range Rovers. Closets are filled with Juicy Couture, Prada, Gucci, and every girl on campus wears Chanel sunglasses. Virtually all of the guys on campus surf, and there's always wetsuits hanging over dorm balconies. Students tend to go to either Pacific Beach or Mission Beach to party, and most weekends groups of students will head down to Mexico. The school is great for kids who want to be in class one minute, and at the beach either surfing or tanning the next.

"We go to school where you spring break."

"Where's that?"

"University of San Diego."

See usd, rich, school, surf


Located on a hill near Mission Beach in sunny San Diego, this University is known primarily for its upperclass yuppie student body and close location to Tijuana. While the campus is beautifully maintained (and the students even more beautiful) this school lacks the diversity and depth needed to propel it to the top.

"Your daughter is rich, snobby, and bleached blonde with a bad tan. She'll fit right in here at USD. She can park her Lexus right over there."

See Meridith


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