University Of Texas

What is University Of Texas?


- The Best Damn University in the nation

- One of the largest Universities in the nation.

- Home of the one of the most elite football programs in the nation who is always ranked in the top 10.

- Home to one of the best basketball squads in the nation.

- Only school in the nation to boast a top 10 football, basketball, baseball and women's basketball program. "We're Texas".

- School that owns the poor aggies in every possible sport except women's soccer.

- Also referred to as "Texas", "UT" and "UTexas".


The University of Texas owns!


1) school of higher education in austin

2) home to some of the best sports programs in the nation, great music, and diversity

3) we're texas!

1) i wish i was cool enough to go to the university of texas.

2) the university of texas is better than texas a&m.

See kate


The best damn college in the state of Texas, and one of the Top public schools in the united states. Outstanding athletics, genius students.... what's not to like?!??!

The eyes of texas are upon you when you come to the University of Texas.

See aggie, sooner, longhorn, ohio state, college, university, amazing, champions, usc


I wonder if those guys talking shit got accepted by UT. Sure sounds like theyre the ones in Ivy League schools. UT is actually a Public Ivy. Its impossible for UT to be an ivy league university being that the ivy league is in a specific demographic location.

What do aggies and longhorns have in common? They both applied to UT.

I would talk about Tech but theyre tier 3 and were on the brink of losing the title of "university" this year so I'll leave them out for their own good- "Get your grades up"

The original eight Public Ivies list by Moll:

* College of William & Mary (Williamsburg, Virginia)

* Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)

* University of California

* University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

* University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

* University of Texas at Austin

* University of Vermont (Burlington)

* University of Virginia (Charlottesville)

See ut, texas, university, education, bevo


A school for idiots who somehow happened to get in the top 10 percent of their high school graduating class by avoiding challenging classes.

There are also a few brighter people who got rejected from highly selective schools (Commonly Rice, Duke, Ivy leagues, CMU, etc.) they really wanted to go to that chose to go here as a safety school.

The school does deserve mention for maintaining good engineering, business, graduate law, and various honors programs.

Ex. 1-(12th grader talking to college admissions advisor)

"test scores?"

"700/2400 on the SAT, 12 on ACT"

"current classwork?"

"I'm in Academic English, Algebra II, Chemistry, and Government. The other four periods I have off."

"Well, any extracurricular hobbies?"

"I like going to parties..."

"My, my, my. Class rank?"

"50 out of 500"

"Ah! Well, the University of Texas at Austin should be just the place for you!"

Ex. 2-(Two of the "brighter people" talking)

1:"Hey, did you get into Rice?"

2:"No, they want out-of-state people so badly, they won't take anyone if they're from Houston."

1:"So where you gonna go?"

2:"If I don't kill myself first, UT. I get automatic admission, plus, being valedictorian, I get a year of free tuition!"

See texas, university, stupid, safety


University of Texas is for rejected IVE league-wanna-be-bound Students who had to resort to a fallback school whose colors are burnt orange( being the colors babies shit out their ass), with a mascot being a cow (should we be shaking of fear?)-way to represent the state of Texas guys. A&M has a dog that could possibly have an aggressive aspect to it, and thank god at LEAST one of the Texas schools represented in the big12 has a mascot with a GUN huge props TEXAS TECH.

In the middle of a city, the campus is stacked up upon itself purposely so students who are hippie-mary j smoking freaks have something to look at while discussing their liberal beliefs in the conservative southern part of the country. HEY smart asses, if you all were so smart why didn’t you just go up north and bitch about liberal politics up there? Oh wait you WERENT smart enough to go there that right, my bad.

All the fruits attend this school in hopes that it will boost their ego and self esteem.-when it wont. Just makes them look even gayer.

Texas thinks they are the shit. Even though this past year the only team they couldnt beat in football was Texas tech university- way to get owned after all yalls shit talking HA. UT students think they are so smart-especially when they dare to consistently make fun of other schools such as A&M and TexasTech for example; ranting about how low their grades are and hope stupid they are when in REALITY there’s probably more STDs floating around UT Campus due to the anal-hippie-lovin-gay-sex, then what goes on up in Lubbock.

And oh wait, sorry Other Texas schools don’t suck cock for good grades and money to stay at UT.

UT is over rated. they need to get the long horns that are so stuck up their ass its causing stupidity due to glorifying their cult of orange shit-cow praising-anal fucking 'AWESOMENESS' YOU go UT woo!-Not.

Jim: Hey man where you go to school that allows me to wear colors that babys shit out their ass and so i can be a snobby cock-sucking homo?

Bob: dude University of Texas all the way man. its the biggest over rated school EVER. best part. your mascot is a cow.


See texas, university, tech, money, rejected


a school for hippie liberal left wing queers who like to have sex with their sisters and family and suck longhorn cock.

dude i loved sucking your dads cock last night good thing i go to the university of texas

See liberal, hippie, queer, longhorn, cock


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