
What is Unman?


Noun. A term bestowed upon those (only male) who suffer from at least two social/behavioral/physical/mental flaws. These can include "unlucky," "unintelligent," "unhandsome," or "ungrateful." Based on the story of Steve, as chronicled in Vadim Shefner's "The Unman" (from Russia). Steve is supposedly the first Unman, who had five "uns": unhandsome, unintelligent, unoutstanding, unlucky, and another that escapes the Definer of this word for the momment. Do not confuse with "nerd," geek," or "loser," as a true unman is neither of these. In the end, a true unman will also rid himself of his "uns" and get everything he ever wished for.

I must work hard to rid myself of my three "uns," so I will not remain an unman forever and shame my family.


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