
What is Unschooling?


A term coined in the 70's by writer and former school-teacher John Holt. Used to describe the practice of an individual who does not attend school- instead choosing to travel, write, play, run, build things, volunteer, and learn about the world free of grades, subjects, periods and "school hours".

"where most schooling puts the emphasis on what needs to be learned, unschooling puts the emphasis on who is doing the learning."

See liberty, freedom


A form of homeschooling where there is no set curriculum or regular classwork. Instead, a more student-lead schooling is used where learning is not simply defined as, for e.g., 'reading a math book'. Most activities can be educational.

People who are unschooled tend to do far better than average when they attend college.


An upper-middle class and wealthy system for turning their spoiled and incompetent children into ignoramuses with high self-esteem; a permanent vacation intended to produce "trophy children" for display.

Yeah, he went around the whole loop -- Montessori to unschooling to trustafarian -- his dad'll have to buy him a business for him to retire from, now that he's thirty.

See education, trustafarian, status symbol, self-esteem


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