
What is Unsubscribathon?




Pronunciation: &n-s&b-'skrIb-&-"tha:n


1 : a sequence of list removal requests sent to an unmoderated,

over-subscribed email list, rather than to the owners of the

list; specif: such an event in which each removal request

encourages another to be sent by the next most irate subscriber;

a situation embodying both dramatic irony and a tragedy of the

commons: marked by both incongruity between the actual result of

a sequence of events and the intended result, and by the abuse

and consequent destruction of a non-excludable public good.


Etymology: English, un- + subscribe + marathon, from un-, Middle

English, from Old English; akin to Old High German un- un-,

Latin in-, Greek a-, an-, Old English ne not; subscribe, Middle

English, from Latin subscribere, literally, to write beneath,

from sub- + scribere to write, Marathon, Greece, site of a

victory of Greeks over Persians in 490 B.C., the news of which

was carried to Athens by a long-distance runner.

Date: 2002


After the first email, it was a total unsubscribathon


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