
What is Untzster?



A person who behaves as if "untz music" (club music or rave music with a strong untz-untz-untz beat) is continuosly playing in his or her head.

Male untzsters are known to use copious ammounts of hair gel, wear square-toed shoes, and wear skintight t-shirts.

Female untzsters or "untzettes" are known to wear all things sparkly and to really put out. Big time. (Especially to men wearing gold chains upon their tanned and waxed chests.)

Note: One does not have to be at or near a nightclub to be an untzster. While some unztsters live their whole lives "untzed out," many others will only become unzsters for a special occasion, such as a "hot date." (Theoretically, if wearing the proper tight green and blue striped sateen dress shirt, one could be "unzted out" while sitting on the couch eating potato chips.)

Also see "Floridian"

"Have you seen Johnny since he got his new gold chain and black ribbed t-shirt. He's such an Untzster, and it totally turns me on..."


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