Upper Canada College

What is Upper Canada College?


UCC a pretty wicked school. I go to St. Mike, we're rivals with UCC. The only reason I didn't go to UCC is because you need to get a 90 + average in school AND get above 96 percentile in math and english in the SSAT's to be considered if you want to get in on the basis of academics. If you want to get in on a hockey only contract - its MUCH easier- you just need to be rly good at hockey, and get decent marks. I have lots of UCC friends and they say the school is wicked- awesome. Too bad I'm graduating next year. Whatever, St. Mike is a decent school, I guess. YEAH ST. MIKES. YEAH. YEAH. YEAH.

ST. MIKES kid: Hey I have 3 girlfriends for the BSS dance

Upper Canada College kid: Whateves, I have four.

ST. MIKES kid: YEAH ST. MIKES. YEAH. YEAH. YEAH. (giggity giggity)

See ucc, upper canada college, sac, s.a.c., bss, havergal, hcs


An all-boys prep school located in Toronto, and widely considered the leading independent school in Canada - it is even said to rival top American prep schools like GDA, Exeter, and Andover.

While UCC is considered a great academic school, it is also known for its athletics. Hockey is by far the most prominent sport, getting all the athletics money, while other teams, who are equally successful, seem to be neglected. Hockey players, who are entirely scholarship students, enjoy pastimes of naked wrestling, drinking each other's urine, and bringing the grade point average down by at least a full point.

Hockey Player 1: Dude we just lost again

Hockey Player 2: Ya but it was close only 12-1

Hockey Player 3: Dude my butt is huge

Hockey Player 4: Let's go pee on eachother!

Upper Canada College Hockey is overrated!

See ucc, blues, prep school


Unanimously regarded as the best high school in Canada. All-boys. A vast majority of the students who are gifted enough to attend this wonderful, $25,000 a year institution come from upper-crust, prosperous families in Toronto, usually located in Forest Hill, the Bridle Path or Rosedale. Otherwise, they are geniuses on scholarship, the children of prominent diplomats, or family of obscenely wealthy royalty from overseas. Messing with a UCC kid could easily result in your father being fired the next day.

Students are frequently driven to school in Maseratis or Porsches. A Mercedes Benz S-Class is a ho-hum sight on the campus. A recent graduate of the school was James Black, son of Conrad Black, who is one of the world's most notoriously wealthy newspaper barons and himself a former UCC student. Other famous graduates include actor Brendan Fraser, Colin Greening (a 2005 graduate who was drafted to the Ottawa Senators), Ernest McCulloch (who discovered the stem cell), Alliance Atlantis founder Michael MacMillan, and, most notably, Rogers Communications CEO and multibillionaire Ted Rogers.

After UCC, students regularly go on to such top-tier educational institutions such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, London School of Economics, and Brown. Students even in the top 25 - 30% of the class are accepted to other Ivy League schools such as University of Pennsylvania and Dartmouth.

UCC is also synonymous with crazy, drug-and-alcohol infested parties. After working hard during the week to maintain their high, steady grades, the students, 90% of whom are white, gather at a peer's mansion (usually when their parents are at a business trip in Paris or Dubai) and proceed to get trashed out of their minds with local hot girls from the 4 all-girls schools that surround UCC. When it comes to school formals and events, UCC guys are actively sought after by the quasi-groupies of the all-girls schools.

All in all, it seems UCC students have perfect lives - born privileged into families of extreme wealth, and then admitted into a fantastic school which gives them limitless options for their futures. You criticize them (most notably a certain Globe and Mail columnist), you complain they are overprivileged and don't know enough about the real world - but we end up running YOUR world. You want to be us. You want to be part of UCC. But it is only for a select few.

Person 1: Look, he's tall, good looking, rich, and went to Harvard!

Person 2: I hear he's Canadian as well.

Person 1: Ah. Must be another Upper Canada College grad. You know how perfect those men are.

See rich, ucc, uc, bss, toronto, canada


Unanimously regarded as the best high school in Canada. All-boys. A vast majority of the students who are gifted enough to attend this wonderful, $25,000 a year institution come from upper-crust, prosperous families in Toronto, usually located in Forest Hill, the Bridle Path or Rosedale. Otherwise, they are geniuses on scholarship, the children of prominent diplomats, or family of obscenely wealthy royalty from overseas. Messing with a UCC kid could easily result in your father being fired the next day.

Students are frequently driven to school in Maseratis or Porsches. A Mercedes Benz S-Class is a ho-hum sight on the campus. A recent graduate of the school was James Black, son of Conrad Black, who is one of the world's most notoriously wealthy newspaper barons and himself a former UCC student. Other famous graduates include actor Brendan Fraser, Colin Greening (a 2005 graduate who was drafted to the Ottawa Senators), Ernest McCulloch (who discovered the stem cell), Alliance Atlantis founder Michael MacMillan, and, most notably, Rogers Communications CEO and multibillionaire Ted Rogers.

After UCC, students regularly go on to such top-tier educational institutions such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, London School of Economics, and Brown. Students even in the top 25 - 30% of the class are accepted to other Ivy League schools such as University of Pennsylvania and Dartmouth.

UCC is also synonymous with crazy, drug-and-alcohol infested parties. After working hard during the week to maintain their high, steady grades, the students, 90% of whom are white, gather at a peer's mansion (usually when their parents are at a business trip in Paris or Dubai) and proceed to get trashed out of their minds with local hot girls from the 4 all-girls schools that surround UCC. When it comes to school formals and events, UCC guys are actively sought after by the quasi-groupies of the all-girls schools.

All in all, it seems UCC students have perfect lives - born privileged into families of extreme wealth, and then admitted into a fantastic school which gives them limitless options for their futures. However, there is a vast dark side to the school as well. Several teachers have been charged with abusing the boarding students, and just two years ago a teaching assistant at the preparatory school was arrested for possession of child pornography. However, the school is envied across the country.

Upper Canada College is a bastion of privelege for the Canadian elite.

See toronto, canada, ucc, bss, rosedale


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