What is Upper Ninety?
the most extreme, ultimate lipper and dipper possible; instructions: take a fat ass dipper and stick into your upper lipper.
Lippers and Dippers, and Slippers and Flippers......Upper Ninety
The most exstreme source of lippage humanly possible. When one comences to take a fatty dipper and stick up at a degree of upper ninty. This upper ninety must require skill from years possibly months of practie. The ultimate lipper was once done by a red headed prodigy by the name of NICK BIRKY.
Lippers and dippers and flippers and slippers........ No Rob shut quit im doing it ....... Rob ........ Fuck you lawlor......... ok guys are you ready. Ok just one sec..... ok ...... Upper Ninety
UPPER NINETY is the ultimate fatty lipper comenced only by the few the proud the BIRKY ..... yes NICK BIRKY who just might be the Biggest player around the ladies cant resist his red hair and chain smoking habits.
Upper ninety need he say more
hahahah HEY rob upper ninty
Rob did u catch that fatty uppre ninety