What is Urban Dictator?
The Head Man at Urban Dictionary who dictates what entries are accepted or rejected.
Urban Dixie: Please Mr. Urban Dictator, I'll do ANYTHING to get my entries on the Dick.
Someone who commands another to write up his new addition to the Urban Dictionary. Then, after the definition has been accepted, he demands that it be rewritten because it was not good enough.
Funkstank: I've decided that I don't like this definition of "chatnip". I want you to change it or resubmit a new one.
Go. Now. Do it.
Princess: Um, maybe you should just write it yourself if you want it done right. I'm sick of taking your urban dictation!
Funkstank: When the Urban Dictator makes a direct command, you only do one thing. Jump the fuck to it.
Reason: I am awesome.
Princess: Fine... I mean, yes Sir! (grumble grumble)