Urban Dictionary

What is Urban Dictionary?


A place formerly used to find out about slang, and now a place that teens with no life use as a burn book to whine about celebrities, their friends, etc., let out their sexual frustrations, show off their racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-(insert religion here) opinions, troll, and babble about things they know nothing about.

slangdefine isn't a burn book or a webjournal site.

See Lucy


An online slang dictionary in which approximately 80% of all words and definitions are sexually related.

"Hey, what in the hell is an Alaskan Firedragon?"

"Dunno, try looking it up at slangdefine"


Only the coolest semi-fake dictionary ever made... updated by random ppl who usually have a sick mind and quick wit.

Urban Dictionary is a great website if you're bored out of your mind. Or if you just want to see some hilarious material made by random ppl who usually have a sick mind and quick wit.


The result of millions of teenagers who have too much free time, and have been pre-disposed to the influences of a media run by arrogant megalomaniacs who put more thought into selling impracticle products than making relevent influential television. Thus resulting in the spread of ignorance through the internet comunity via rascism, conformity, mis-information, and the pinnacle of a society ironically corrupted by those who claim to be trying to save the last milligrams of purity and innoscense left in this nuclear prozac nation...

if you found that definition difficult to understand, try using a real dictionary to look up those real words, that people in the real world really use...

(I hate the ignorant shit in this site, but I'd give my life to maintain your right to say it)

"Hey let's go to urban dictionary an bash on niggers"

"Hey let's go to urban dictionary and show how ghetto we is in the suburbs"

"Hey let's go to urban dictionary and shit all over the english language"

"Hey let's go to urban dictionary and fuck, shit, damn, piss, pussy, beaner, taco nigger, porn"

"Hey let's go to urban dictionary and....oops...I shit myself...shit happens, now where's my iBong"

See ignorant, mtv, fox news, bush, arrogant, bullshit, retarded


An online dictionary where people write defintions of slang terms. Unfortunately, there are more than a handful of users who love nothing more than to make insulting definitions that do not define the term they are "defining" at all.

<Good Urban Dictionary user> Okay, here's my defintion for " civic": A cheap and reliable economy car good for everyday driving.

<Bad Urban Dictionary user> *reads GUDS's definition* What the fuck, that's bullshit. It's a faggotcar that gay- ass AzNgangstas rice the shit out of. I hate Civics and their drivers, all of them! AND I HATE COLORED PEOPLE TOO, FOR NO REASON, WHITE POWER LOLZ

See slangdefine, urban dictionary, dictionary, gs68


A website that has been taken over by:

Conservatives who rant their political and untrue propaganda

Elito-Conformist "punks" who bash every type of music that isn't considered "classic"

Stupid teenagers who use this as a place to make fun of their friends

Biggots who make fun of people based on their religions and races and names and genders and sexualities.

1. Israel is a nation, Arabs are subhuman, here on Urban Dictionary.

2. Green Day sucks, ALL of their fans think they are punk, here on Urban Dictionary.

3. (Bob)is an asshole, here on Urban Dictionary

4. I hate black people and gay people, here on Urban Dictionary.



the only real dictionary, as words are technichaly defined by common usage (and spelling). Also an outlit for rascism and a reason to use sexual references.

Oddly enough, undefined to a degree, because no-one seems to know wether to only define urban slang, or to "define your world" as it suggests.

G:Dude, what the hell? this definition defines itself such that its obviously not urban slang.

B: don't make me burninateyou with this flamethrower.

See Ron Burgandy


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