Urban Planner

What is Urban Planner?


n. A person who satifies one or more of the following:

a) Believes Le Corbusier is Satan and Peter Calthorpe and Portland Oregon are the cure for everything.

b) Puts the Kunt back in Kuntsler.

c) Likes to shit on Los Angeles, but secretly wants to live there.

d) Thinks social planning is somekind of speed dating.

e) Zealous advocate of clean, efficient public transit as the chariot of the people...but won't be caught dead on it.

f) Considers only rear, front and side setbacks and body footprint when considering a mate.

g) Becomes considably irrate when lesser minions understand "smart growth" to be some kind of male organ enhancement.

h) Completely baffled by people who think GIS is somekind of jizz.

If you weren't such an urban planner I'd have sex with you.

See hypocrite, planning


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