
What is Urh?


1. An insult ecompassing everything from a sad passing comment to an all-out disgruceful comment.

2. To be let down or deflated; to have one's ego crushed; to come out of a situation with absolutely nothing

3. Synonmous with urh shit

4. (Another way to use this insult, is when someone makes a sad joke, you repeat exactly what they say but turn the vowel sound in the main word/concept of their joke into an 'urh' sound).

Definition 1:

Guy: Killara, Like, to Kill ara? Killara?

Dude: Urh.

Definition 2:

Dude: ...Then she told me she had a boyfriend.

Guy: Urh, Poor guy. Sorry to hear that timme

Definition 3:

(Replace urh with urh shit)

Definition 4:

Dude: Like its a ferrari.

Guy: *Mockingly* Like its a fer-URH-i


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