
What is Uwe?



pl. U·wes

1. A person who is so incredibly inept at his or her craft, but blindly and madly continues to produce, despite the pleas of many around him. Defying all odds and logic, often a Uwe will surround him or herself with incredible talent and funding.

2. A situation describing a person of that inclincation. (ie. pulling a Uwe)

Origins: Middle English, from Old English (Uwe Boll - the horrendously untalented hack German film director) See uwe- in Indo-European Roots.]

Person #1: Oh God, is your sister still making those awful homemade denim platform shoes with the tassels and beads and sequins?

Person #2: Yeah, all her friends keep telling her to stop making the shoes because they're so ugly but somehow she gets money from it.

Person #1: Wow, she's totally pulling a Uwe.


german rude-word, which stands for: a man with an incredibly small penis

Uwe Seler is the best example for an UWE.


a fat gayboy.


The nemesis to Bristol University Rowing club.

Jim: "What happened today Bob... we got our arses kicked!!??"

Bob: "We were UWE'd Jim... properly UWE'd."


1.)A Moron, a Fool, an Idiot, a large tall asshole.

2.)Pulling a prank on someone.

3.)Bring screwed over.

What are you Bob, some kind of friggin' Uwe ?

You got Uwed but good there Bob!

Oh Man, I got my ass Uwed but good that time.

See moron, fool, idiot, jerk, ass


The Univercity of the West Of England. A top UK educational establishment in Bristol UK where Alan Mcdadefirst learnt the urban planning principles that gave rise to Mcdadeism.

The main UWE campus is at Filton in the North of Bristol.

See black flag


the last man alive

By the way, pronounciation is Ooh-Vuh

"It sure is quiet 'round here. I guess that I, Uwe, am the last man alive."

"No, you're not! Watch this!" says Jake as he smashes Uwe's head in.

"Now I am the last man alive!" says Jake!

BUt BAM Uwe is not really dead and dismembers Jake, eating him in little (pronounced with a British accent)) pieces.

"Miss Beautiful, you still remain! We shall be little critters together for ever, and it will be cute, yes?"

And is was so. So it goes.


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