
What is V2?


The V-2 was a rocket developed by the Germans during WWII.

It was an unmanned, ballistic missile guided by an advanced gyroscopic system that sent signals to aerodynamic steering tabs on the fins and vanes in the exhaust. The V2 carried an explosive warhead (Amatol Fp60/40) weighing approximately 738 kg (1 ton) that was capable of flattening a city block. It was first fired operationally on Sept. 8, 1944 against Paris then London.

The A4/V2 rocket had an operational range of 234 miles.


Adjective, Abbreviation:

An abbreviation of "version 2.0," it is a naming convention most often employed ironically by programmers to denote shipping commercial software packages more accurately described by "v1" or even "beta."

"As usual, v2 was what version 1 should've been."

"Personally, I'm going to wait for v2 - I don't enjoy beta testing."


Short range ballistic missile. Developed in Germany By Von Braun.

First operational liquid fuel rocket. Developed by Germany in a huge development program as large in proportion to the German gross national product as the Manahattan atom bomb project was in America.

After the war captured German V-2's were launched by the British, Americans, and Russians. Personnel and technology from the V-2 formed the basis for subsequent rocketry developments throughout the world.

"London got bombed by V2's"


1) Short for "version two;" used in reference to electronic data; includes software, web sites, etc.

2) Recently: a synonym for redux; anything that is supposedly better than its predecessor.

"Meet my son, Kevin v2."

See Kevin Smith



Universally known as a peace sign thrown up and to the right.

A symbol of representation among the peers to to leave the thought in there minds......"Oh shit its that V2 Chick.......What now...."


For example prince turned himself into a symbol.....get the picture

See v-ron


version 2

I made version 1 but it had bugs so i made upgrades for v2.

See gonzo


Vengeance 2, the rocket developed by the German military during world war two. Due to the fact it cost the same to luanch 20 V1's as it did one V2, they were muched feared, especially in London which was a primary target for attack. At one point, the entire population of London was considered to be evacuated. For the sake of avoiding panic, Churchill kept what the public knew to a minimum. The V2 was eventually decided to be equipped with more dangerous materials, namely, nuclear. By the time this was possible, allied forces had pushed forward into germany and the remaining luanch sites were out of the maximum range for the V2, deeming it useless.

The V2 was a vain effort by Germany to prolong inevitable defeat by a few months.

See Gumba Gumba


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