V Bagging

What is V Bagging?


The act of shoving your vulva or vagina in someone else's face. The closest a lady can get to tea bagging.

When Christopher wouldn't shut up, Eileen gave him a hearty V bagging.

See tea bagging, vagina, vulva


its just like t bagging except v bagging is what girls do. So to v bag you need to have a vagina.

dude I love it when my girlfriend starts v bagging me.

See tea bagging, vagina, girl, t bag


V bagging is the female version of teabagging. Where a woman pulls down her pants and puts there vagina on someones ear.

I woke up to find Ky V Bagging my ear.

See vagina, teabag, teabagging, bagging, dip


The act of shoving your vulva or vagina in someone else's face. The closest a lady can get to tea bagging.

When Christopher wouldn't shut up, Eileen gave him a hearty V bagging.

See tea bagging, vagina, vulva


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