
What is Vagcation?


A long-distance trip taken by a heterosexual male in order to get laid.

Even though Tod and Veronica broke up last May when she moved to Calgary, he still takes occasional vagcations when there is cheap airfare available.

See booty call, masturbation


1 : Any length of time in which, due to the absence of a significant other, the carrier of the vagina does not partake in vagina intercourse 2 : the time during a woman's menstrual cycle in which the women, for fear of losing her man, performs oral sex to keep him from finding another vagina

Friend 1: So I heard you tell Christine you're going to NY. That should be fun, just you and Andrew for a nice relaxing weekend?

Friend 2: Nah, I'm leaving Andrew at home, I am in depserate need of a vagcation.

See vagina, vacation, menstrual cycle, period, vaginal


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