What is Vagina Envy?
This is what occurs when one female becomes jealous of another.
Loretta is the hot new piece around the office, attracting all the guys. Vivian has worked at said office for several years and now receives little attention. Vivian is frustrated at Loretta for this, thus she has vagina envy.
When a man envies a woman because she has a vagina and he does not. Similar to penis envy.
Man, I have some serious vagina envy.
When a man hears about one of his friends sleeping with a woman he is interested in and becomes extremely jealous of the sex his friend enjoyed.
Shawn: Did you hear Steve scored with Isis!?!
Rich: So what who cares!
Shawn: What's your problem?
Alain: He's pink with vagina envy...
Shawn: Ahhh...
That feeling that your partners vagina have more fun.
"Oh maaaan, it sucks I got so much vagina envy today, since my sweetey had 10 orgasm, and I had but 1!"