
What is Vaginooger?


Main Entry: va·gi·noo·ger

Pronunciation: va-'jI-nu-gar

Function: noun

Etymology: mix of Latin for sheath and alteration of English dialect buggard

1 : a canal in a female mammal that leads from the uterus to the external orifice of the genital canal with a piece of mucus on the outside

2 : a canal that has a bogey and is similar in function or location to the vagina and occurs in various animals other than mammals

3 : increased whitish vaginal discharge during pregnancy (leukorrhea)

1 : I was about to have sex with my girl but she had a vaginooger which stopped me from going down.

2 : My friend said that skank definitly had had a vaginoogers so I did not get with her.

3 : After having pounded my pregnant wife she had vaginoogers all over her baby making hole.

See vagina, booger, cooter


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