
What is Vagitate?


Verb: Irrational behavior as observed during feminine menstruation. Usually observed in men acting moody or emotional like women during their period.

"There he goes again, Jamey sure can vagitate like a bitch off Midol."

See vagitator, pms, manstruation, Ryan Reynolds


1. To vibrate a vigana as with a vibrator or other agitating devive.

2. To upset or piss off a vagina possibly to the point of not want to have sex with you.

I bought my girlfriend a vagitator.

If you want to sleep on the couch you better not vagitate your wife.


anyone acting and or resembling a vagina

"You're being a damn vagitate, Tiz!!"


To relax, drink alcoholic beverages, or enjoy cock in a "raging" environment. (see also raging)

Nah, I am not gonna go out tonight. I am just gonna stay in and vagitate I think.


To relax, drink alcoholic beverages and enjoy cock.

Vagitating with your girlfriends is good fun on the weekends or weekdays.


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