
What is Vagoop?


(n.)-(Va-jewp))The combination of the words vagina and poop culminating in a disgusting mixture in which vaginal fluids mate with human fecal matter.

(adj.)-Vagoopy (Va-jew-pee)- A word describing a vagoop-like consistency, much like the consistency of a viscous mudslide poorly mixed with vinegar and oil. It has the stench of death.

See also: Shit Stain, Anal Leakage, Blumpkin

The crab cakes were very vagoopy today. I couldn't even eat them.

Dude, that skunt's shit was quite vagoopy.

Who invited Steve, he is such a vagoop.

Her vag was so vagoopy, it stank like a rotting fetus.

See vagina, poop, skunt, blumpkin, cleveland steamer, disgusting, smelly, nasty


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