What is Valleyfever?
valleyfever, or Joey Wilson as he is called in real life, is a Youtube user. He became known when another user (Davidsfarm) posted a video about his (Dave's) "stolen" 10 y/o son with a reward for his information. Valleyfever smelled a rat and became friends with the boy's mother Evelyn Van Beest. He quickly learned that Dave was a convicted sex-offender and child rapist. Valleyfever proved this to other YT users and convinced them to stop stalking Evelyn. He took it a step further and convinced many other young boys that were former fans of Dave to never go to the farm. Months later, Dave attempted the same stunt with yet another g/f he had a son with. Her name is Anna. Valleyfever came to her rescue as well. They had Dave arrested & abuse cases are now pending.
If you don't stop shit-storming me, you're gonna get the 'valleyfever' treatment bro!