
What is Valmorphanize?


verb, 1. to change the nature of one thing into another. 2. to become different.

-see also valmorpharize.

-see also valmorification.

verb, past tense- they valmorphanized the Hummer and blew-up the pyramids.

adjective- the valmorphanized Team member was a Top Gun Actor!


From the Movie "Team America World Police" A change in a vehicle's structure and function by pressing a red button.

OK Baxter, we can safely Valmorphanize our Limosine into a jet now.


Applies to facial changes as well as vehical and other transformations.

"OK Baxter, we can safely Valmorphanize our Limosine into a jet now."


"We'll have your face valmorphanized to look like a terrorist so you can infiltrate there camp"

See jolt


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