
What is Vampirate?


an amazing combination of a pirate and a vampire.

Vampirates can steal your ship AND suck your blood.


1. A vampire that is a pirate by profession. esp. one who strikes poses while being threatened with a scythe.

2. A top notch street ball team

1.I don't often travel to the coast of Transylvania for fear of vampirate attacks.

2. Those Vampirates are lighting it up tonight.


A Vampirate is a thing which is Pirate AND Vampire

It is also a fictional creature from the series Vampirates.

A man or woman who has died (or crossed as they say it) is brought back to life (or sired) by another vampire becomes one.

They are Vampirates when they join the vampirate ship which is led by the vampirate captain.

"and his eyes never meet the light"

"Our ways are strange here, you'll have to get used to them"

"I'm so hungry, It's feast night tonight"

"Your blood tastes nice by the way"

"She's been rescued by the vampirate ship!"

See vampirates, vampires, pirates, blood


A Pirate that is a vampire.

Usually annhiliate and devour small, helpless, defenseless children.

Pisses off Mrs. Tuzzino.

What the 'f is a vampirate?

See Sketti


See Ema

See Lil' T


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