
What is Vampire?


1: One whom drinks the blood of others, be it animal or human. Not to be confused with cannibalism or sarcophagy as no tissue is consumed.

2: Term describing Vlad Tapish, or Vlad the Impaler (1431-1476) and Erzebet (Elizabeth) Bathory (1560 -1614), the Bloody Countess of Csejthe: both notable historicaly for the consumption of blood. Draculais a name based off the Order of the Dragon, or Order of Dracul, which Bram Stoker used as his vampiric character based loosely on Vlad the Impaler.

1: Jill tore the end of the medical bloodbag and poured some of its contents into a crystal glass. Thus, vampire.

2: The Bloody Countess slaughtered over six hundred virgins, practiced vampirism and bathed in the blood of her victims. Once captured, she was confined to a single room in the tallest tower of her castle and was held prisoner by the Hungarian court untill her death at age 54.

3: Dracula owns.

See vampiric, vampirism, gothic, underground, euphoria


a great subculture and ledgend on the verge on ruin due to the popular mainstream phenomon known as 'Twilight'

Real Vampires do NOT sparkle

See twilight, sucks, vampire, vampires, mainstream, blood


1. A sanguivore is the kind of vampire with the need for blood. These guys are the real kind, but are mortal, have a reflextion, and are only SENSITIVE to light. They can go out in the sun and eat garlic and touch roses so get that fairytale crap out of your head. They need blood, though. They don't neccesarily LOOK like a vamp or have the folklore vampire lifestyle. AKA a sang vamp.

2. A psy vamp feeds off of energy rather than blood. Sometimes a sang vamp is short on food and resorts to psy techniques. AKA an energy vampire.

3. A vampyre looks like one a vamire, but doesn't neccesairly need blood. A vampyre is "into" the whole vamp thing and can be considered to have a vampire fetish, but doesn't need blood and might not even be into that area.

4. Awakening is when a true vamp goes through a "puberty" of sorts and realizes what they are.

5. Turning is when a normal person becomes a vamp through a scarcely known techinque.

6. Blood Fetishists don't need blood and AREN'T vampires, they just LIKE it, whether it be sexual or just for kicks and giggles.

Vampires aren't modern-day Draculas, they are much more complicated.

See sang vamp, psy vamp, vampyre, sanguivore, blood fetishist, the turning


1. In literature, media, and folklore, a "traditional" vampire is a demon who consumes blood of humans or animals for nourishment. Sometimes a human who has been bit by a vampire will transform into a vampire themselves. Vampires have a fear of anything holy, garlic, and the sun. Vampires have a child-like mentality, as they are unable to enter places or do certain things without permission, as was first addressed in Bram Stoker's "Dracula." Most commonly killed by a stake through the heart.

2. Any species of bat that consumes blood. Three types of vampire bats are the Common Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus), the Hairy Legged VB (Diphylla ecaudata), and the White-Winged VB (Diaemus youngi). They rarely attack humans and mostly consume blood from livestock or birds.

3. Any member of the gothsubculture who thinks that listening to Norwegian death metal, dressing in long black clothing, and being a fan of vampire movies and/or blood will make them a full-fledged vampire. Refuse to believe that vampires are just the work of folklore. Can usually be seen outside Hot Topic, alone, as nobody will be their friend because they "don't want to associate with the living."

1. Bram Stoker's "Dracula" is considered the premiere text of vampire folklore.

2. Vampire bats are common in tropical climates, barns, and zoos.

3. This was an actual example from someone I met at the mall who was claiming to be a vampire. They became my "source," so to speak.

See goth, vamp, blood, dracula, underworld, bat


A vampire is any person or thought or feeling that stands between you and your creative self expression, but they can assume many seductive forms.

1) The pigmy vampire:

Will swarm around you head like gnats and say things like:

"Your teeth need whitening."

"You went to state school?"

"You sound weird."

"Shakespeare, Sondheim, Sedaris did it before you and better than you."

"You cannot sing good enough to be in a musical."

2) The air freshener vampire:

She might look like you mama, or your old fat-ass, fat aunt Fanny.

She smells something unpleasant in what you’re creating and will urge you to spray it up with some pine fresh smell ’em ups. The air freshener vampire doesn’t want you to write about bad language, blood, or blow jobs.

She wants you to clean it up and clean it out which will leave your work toothless, gutless, and crotchless, but you’ll be left with two tight paragraphs of kittens that your grandma would be so proud of.

3) The vampire of despair:

It’ll wake you up at 4am to say things like:

"Who do you think you’re kidding?"

"You look like a fool."

"No matter how hard you try, you’ll never be good enough."

Sally: My mom won't let me be in Bare just because it curses!

John: Ew, what a vampire!

See vampyre, pigmy, teacher, parent


Something that does not sparkle.

Dracula is a vampire, but Edward Cullen is a fairy.

See vampire, vamp, twilight, sparkle, edward cullen


Also known as 'vamphyri'. A mythical, undead, immortal, parasitic monster that feeds on the blood of living humans in order to animate itself. This is done via fangs, or the less-used method sucking the blood through the skin's pores. A single bite can transform the victim into a vampire. Vampires are unable to physically procreate as their bodies remain frozen in time from the moment they become 'undead'. Sunlight is a vampire's mortal (and on occasion fatal) enemy, as vampires are "creatures of the night". Vampires can be killed by sudden or prolonged exposure to sunlight, dismemberment, wooden stakes to the heart, and by fire. A stake must be put through the heart of a vampire's dead victim and their head must be severed from the body, or they return as full vampires. Vampires cannot enter a home without being invited in first. They have no reflection in mirrors. They also cannot cross running water (unless it is in their own homeland). Rumored to be weak against garlic, holy water, and crucifixes. Also rumored to have illusionary shapeshifting abilities as well as the power of flight, mind-reading and hypnosis. May or may not sleep upside down or in coffins.

Such vampires in fictional literary works such as that of Briam Stoker, Anne Rice, Laurell K. Hamilton, Brian Lumley, and John Steakly. See also vampires in works such as Van Helsing, and John Carpenter's Vampires.

(Not to be confused with necrophiliacs, humans with blood fetishes, or delusional high schoolers.)

See vampire, monster, fang, blood, bat


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