
What is Vampires?


Those who feed on energy.. There's two types: psi (also known as pranic) and blood (also known as sanguine). A person can be both. Sanguine vamps take in energy through blood, they get their blood from donors; who are ready, willing, and have been tested for dieases and such in the blood... psi vamps pull energy out of people and into themselves, through visualation. We are not immortal, we are not dead, garlic does not hurt us anymore than it hurts you, the sun can't kill us; but for some is irritating (extremely for me..), and anybody can be killed with a stake.... duh.

slad is a very, very good vampyre support site, for vamps, donors, friends and family.

See Kaycee


low creatures can't suppress their instincts & lust .. but maybe people like that darkness & loneliness which vampires live in


See vampire, lust, creature, darkness, low, vampires


Vampires are re-animated corpses of people who have transformed into blood lusting creatures of the night. Though many theories and legends surround the story of the beginning vampirism, each culture has tailored to suit each societies location on the globe (very similar and antonymous to the theory of god/s in centered religions in different places). Some say that vampires are demons straight from the breast of the devil himself, sent to wreck havoc on earth, others believe that they are the awakened cadavers of those who died unbaptized. Chiefly they are not supposed to be physically able to venture into the light, lest it burn them to re-death. Their weaknesses are said to be garlic, the sun, holy or blessed things such as crusifixes and holy water, poppy seeds (though this myth died due to the easiness of destroying a vampire by spilling seeds onto the ground behind you, for he would have to obsessively count them until the sun came up), wooden stakes through the heart, decapitation, or being charred to ash with a flame.

Many vampire novels falsely depict vampires as recollective of their humanity, in becoming a vampire, one is set on a path to becoming a monster, once transformed, they permanently loose their soul and are bound to traverse the earth until they are killed a second time and cast into hell. They are renoun for either being breathtakingly beautiful, or horrifically disfigured. Either way they sat on the top of the food chain, practically impossible for animals to kill, and much stronger, faster, and clever than a mortal human.

The Cullen family in Stephenie Meyer's book Twilight was far from any of the original myths about vampires, nearly breaking every characteristic of the creatures. All of them had consciences and thought of others before their own needs, depicting souls which are non-existent once one is a vampire.

Lestat DeLioncourt on the other hand was a very convincing predator in the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. He was cunning, quick, indulgent to himself, selfish, beautiful, and cultured (as would an over-one hundred year old being be).

See monsters, vampyres, mortal


Beautiful, age-old creatures that evolved alongside humans. Pale skinned and incredibly strong. Have been known to leave hand prints in cars by pure accident. If a Vampire feeds on human blood their eyes are blood red normally and black when they are thirsty. Where as if a Vampire feeds on animal blood their eye colour normally is a golden butterscotch colour. Vampires can come out in the day though seem even more beautiful in the sunlight so they prefer to keep out of the public eye when the sun is out. This is why most vampires tend to live in the colder less sunny areas of the world. To become a vampire you must be bitten but left alive. It takes a lot of restrain for a vampire not to take all your blood whilst doing this. Once bitten it takes up to three days for the venom to spread. Time preiod depens on the closeness of the bite to the heart. During this three day period victims are often delirious and not many can remember much of their time except an extremely painful burning. NOTE: BECOMING A VAMPIRE DOES NOT MAKE YOU BEAUTIFUL, VAMPIRES OFTEN CHOOSE EXTRODINARY HUMANS AS THEIR COMPANIONS AS AN INSTINCT, VAMPIRISM JUST MAKES THIS BEAUTY MORE PRONOUNCED.

For the first year of a vampire's life they will be less pale and red-eyed. This is due to the human blood remaining in their veins. Due to the blood new vampires are incredibly strong but this does not mean they are any less thirsty. Vampires cannot have children, A vampires body is frozen in the stae of when he/she was bitten. If a woman was pregnant at the time she would remain pregnant for eternity. Vampires cannot sleep and essentially do not need to breathe though many prefer to as their sense of smell would be affected. Some vampires gain extra senses on changing into a vampire. This is because, like their hearing, smell, eyesight etc, their characteristics are intensified. For Example a particularly charismatic person may gain the abilty to influence peoples emotions or someone who was quite good at reading emotions may be able to hear the thoughts of those around them.

I noticed the new boy in my chemistry class was extrodinarily beautiful. His Butterscotch eyes seemed to smoulder as he stared blankly at his textbook. I thought his name in my head and his eyes flickered to meet mine. I turned away, embarassed..

Little did I know, He and his angel-like family, were vampires

See twilight, edward cullen, vampyres


Sexy, beautiful creatures who can seduce anyone into getting their blood sucked by them.

"I come to suck your blood!" |:>

"Sure! Why don't I slip into something a little more comfortable?..." ;)

"...???" /:|


A being with need of blood for sustenance and an affliction to the sun.

There are several different kinds of vampires.

Morroi is the most rare. It is when a pregnant woman gets bit and her child lives. Said child is moroii and is self-feeding.

Stragoii would be the example of the mother who was bitten.

Lamia is a long reaching family of vampires where each generation is, in fact vampiric.

Stragoii and Lamia are both stronger than made vampires and moroii. They often have superstrength and some sort of mind connect to other beings.

According to several sources, being made vampire takes up three days and is often extremely painful. The process sometimes only requires being bit once. Other times it the victim must be exchange blood with blood mate once everyday for the period of three days.

The victim often becomes disoriented and slightly maddened during the process.

Vampires are able to lure their prey quite easliy through talents and sometimes a special body secretion that is irresistable to all other living beings.They're prey comes practically willing.

Most vampires live in covens or families.

The Vampires disappeared under the veil of night as quickly as they had appeared.

See vamps, vampires, blood, allure, moroii, lamia, prey, irresistable, scent, process, 3 days, exchange, bite, sun, affliction


Immortal, soulless demon forced to drink blood to stay alive. They have long canines with which they can puncture a human neck to extract blood.

Demonic creatures who live off the blood of humans; a vampire appears to be a normal person until the feed is upon them -- only then do they reveal their true demonic visage.

A vampire. V^^V


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