Van Dyke

What is Van Dyke?


A 'Van Dyke' is a variation of a goatee with a mustache, named after the 17th century Flemish painter, Sir Anthony Van Dyck (also spelled Van Dyke).

This is not a fucken goatee, it's obviously van dyke, ur n asshole!


van dyke projects one of the hardest projects in Brownsville

yo niggas was shootin in van dyke last night

See van, dyke, projects, brownsville, brooklyn


A set of public housing buildings (projects) in Brownsville Brooklyn NYC.

You know Rell from Van Dyke?

See brownsville, brooklyn, bk, pj's, the ville


One who is excessive in the act of interfering.

(person 1 is happy watching tv)

(person 2 comes in and starts to interfere by changing the channel)

person 1: stop being a van dyke!

In this instance person 2 would be a van dyke.

Where it has derrived from: In Mary Poppins Dick Van Dyke used to interfere during Mary Poppins.

Mary Poppins: (singing)

Dick Van Dyke:Oh its so lovely!!!!!

this would continue until the end of each song.

Van dykes: (a group of van dykes)look at that gang of van dykes!

Van dyked:(to be van dyked)he is getting van dyked!

Van dyking:(to Van dyke) stop van dyking will you!

Van Dyker:(one who van dykes)he's a van dyker!

See intervene


A Van Dyke is what someone gets on their chin while getting t-bagged. When draping your balls across some fine lady's nose, grind the ol' bunghole on her chin and leave a lil' something. Leave her a Van Dyke!

Note: If her eyes are closed and you have a friend nearby, have him take a turn, but don't tell her. Of course, then it will have to be called a Dick Sargent. Hey! I made a Bewitched television show joke!

Debra got a little more manly while getting t-bagged by Ted. He did the friendly thing and gave her a nice Van Dyke to go with her schnozzola! Ted's too hype too wipe, so she got a really good one and was a real hepcat.

See blumpy, dirty sanchez, bewitched


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