Van Helsing

What is Van Helsing?


one who goes after ugly women at night while intoxacated and wakes up feeling like he spent the night hunting for monsters

"what happend last night, and why do i feel like van helsing"

See clint


(n.) a posessor of extrodinary capability in a specific field

Lance Armstrong is the Van Helsing of cross-country cycling.


Slang for "that person sings like Hell!".

Everytime a good song plays on my radio, my bitch, Chelsea Handler, starts doin' the Van Helsing and totally fucks up any chance of me enjoying the song.

Thankfully, I have a conversion van, so I can redeem the displeasure by pulling over and fucking her brains out!

See i, pity, the, bitch, who, me, that


term used to imply getting really intoxicated

dude, let's get all van helsing tonight.

See rob


A greasy person who often wears the same clothes for weeks in a row and smells of body odor from anywhere from 0 to 100 yards away. Acne is also very prominant on their face...and by prominant i mean there is no regular skin. They may also run cross country for a high school in cargo pants and knock-off, wal-mart brand timberland boots.

Nathan: "Hey there goes Van Helsing in them same god damn clothes"!

Adam:"Yeah i smelled his ass before he walked in the cafeteria with those Wal-Mart boots and cargo shorts on".

See greasy, poor, gross, disgusting


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