
What is Vanderweide?


tall as fuck (like a redwood)

so i was watching cops the other weekend right, and this one dude started layin out all the guys in blue. didnt surprise me though, he was black, weighed at least 260, and was vanderweide

See tall, roommate, dance floor, dishes, redwood


Verb - One who believes he is God's gift to women, when in fact, the only ass a Vanderweide recieves, is the ass given to him free of charge when attempting to pull his load of shit over some snowy mountain pass.

"look at that guy out there vanderweide'in it up on the dance floor. what a tool."

See dick, asshole, chris, husband


A roommate who does not do dishes

Dude! Stop being such a vanderweide and clean the kitchen!

See dishes, slob, roommate, dirty, kitchen


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