What is Vator?
(VAY-TORE) Slang terminollagy replacing the word elevator.Often found in residential houses with a grandma liuetennant patrol officer charging $.05 cents a ride. This is no normal vator, your life will change after riding the vator. And your expieriences will not end until the day you die.
producers of the definition VATOR
Dewy, and John Stat from Mentor, OH Copyright© May 2006
Hey whuts up? I was just seein if u were "down" to vade tonight?, you know hop on that vator
Short for elevator. Slang among Rice University students.
Hold the vator!
A dumb retard in a gay ass black suit who has a screwed up face and a chooped off arm(anakan fuckin skyfucker)
Man screw this movie its got vator in it
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