What is Vds?
VDS is an acronym for Violent Dink Shaking. Violent
The exact date of this transition has not yet been discovered but it is widely believed that it was sometime around 1989-1990. It was at this time that the four Dinks were born. For more on the four Dinks and their identity please look up
VDS can be used in many ways. It has also been used at times as just DS, to signify the non-violent variety of Dink Shaking, often used in peace keeping.
1. The re-written lyrics to "The Real Slim Shady" - Eminem.
I'm Slim Dinky yes I'm the Real Dinky, all you other Slim Dinky's are just VDS-ing. So won't the Real Dink Shaker please DS, please DS, please DS.
2. In response to a poor call by a sports official.
"Oh come on, that is total VDS!"
vdS can be used for everything and it means: "voll der Scheiß". Thats german and means something like "crappy"
Everything is vdS!