
What is Vegi-curious?


One who is considering the vegetarian lifestyle, but has yet to make a committment to it.

No sausage on my half of the pizza; I'm vegi-curious.

See vegi-curious, vegetarian, vegan, healthy, choice


The process the awakening of sexual awareness pertaining to self-gratification by use of common, every-day fruits and vegetables.

Hiawatha, after an explosion of painful lesions and weeping eruptions in her genital area, made the wise decision to refrain from making any more purchases at her grocer's heavily pesticide-laden produce isle; instead, she would take the advice of other vegi-curious singles, and she would satisfy herself only with selections from her local farmer's market- with zucchinis which were not only organically grown, but happily elephantine in size!

See porn, flying solo, perverse


The process the awakening of sexual awareness pertaining to self-gratification by use of common, every-day fruits and vegetables.

Hiawatha, after an explosion of painful lesions and weeping eruptions in her genital area, made the wise decision to refrain from making any more purchases at her grocer's heavily pesticide-laden produce isle; instead, she would take the advice of other vegi-curious singles, and she would satisfy herself only with selections from her local farmer's market- with zucchinis which were not only organically grown, but happily elephantine in size! Yay!

See hippies, std, breakfast


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