
What is Vegorexia?


Combing the root words of vegan and anorexia, a vegorexia is the contemporary bluff to avoid criticism for an unaddressed eating disorder. Vegorexics will not only abide by the philisophical tenants of veganism, but will also avoid eating any form of fat, sugar or carb that secretly repulses them. The more identifiable traits of anorexia (a general disgust for food; a preoccupation with personal wieght; stressed secrecy of eating/excercising) are less prominent, and instead are replaced by excessive emotional argument about the health benefits of foods, rule-making on the sourcing of foods (organic, sustainable, shade-grown, native/co-op sourced, etc.) and a repetive eating habit (the precise same products purchased during every shopping expedition).

Manchego's friends were starting to suspect he was suffering from vegorexia because he had eaten nothing but plain toast with nutritional yeast and soymilk lattes for eight days running.


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