
What is Venus?


1. A super sexy Roman goddess who became just a little bit slutty and a little bit arrogant. She was gorgeous and eternally youthful, with beautiful reddish-blonde hair and perfect complexion. She is the goddess of love, beauty and everything sexual. In other words, she was perfect. 100% utterly perfect. She was married to graceless dumbass Vulcan, the god of fire. Her true love was actually Mars, the god of war. Their child was gorgeous goddess Harmonia. Male counterpart is Cupid. In Greek mythology, known as Aphrodite.

2. Second planet from the sun, very hot. Usually known to people as red, but sometimes it is beige.

3. Professional African-American female tennis player. Has a sister, who also plays professional tennis, named Serena. Last name is Williams. Often known as the best female tennis players in the world.

1. Marc: Venus is the most perfect, loveliest person in the whole world.

2. Nardward the nerd: I am doing a project on the planet Venus for the anual Wylie Junior High science fair.

3. Jessie: Venus Williams is my role model. She is the best woman tennis player to ever walk this planet.


Second planet from the sun. Has a heavy atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Atmospheric pressire is nine times that of Earth's. Average temperature of 900 degrees.

Venus is more hospitable than Detroit.


1.Roman goddess of love, chaste and otherwise worldly. Deriving from greek goddess Aphrodite.

2. Slutty goddess who slept around with most everyone in and out of Mt. Olympus.

"Venus must hate me! i haven't gotten laid in a greek century!"


2. Second planet from the sun. Almost the size of Earth. At various points in the two planets' orbits it is visible in Earth's sky as the so-calledmorning or evening star. A runaway greenhouse effecthas generated temperatures at the surface of around 480 degrees Centigrade, under an atmospheric pressure of around 90 bars, equivalent to the water pressure nearly one kilometre under the sea on Earth. Atmospheremainly carbon dioxide, contains notable amounts of sulphur dioxide. Sulphuric acidvirga (rain that re-evaporates in mid-air) falls from cloud deck about 30 miles above the surface. Diameterabout 7,500 miles. Most surface features named for historic or mythicalwomen. Various interesting surface features mapped by the Magellan probe's radartechnology. Surface gravity90 percent of that on Earth. No natural satellites. On current theories, Venus may be a portent of futureconditions on Earth's surface as the sun brightens in ages to come. It may also serve as a warning of the (relatively modest but still highly undesirable) effects that carbon dioxide emissions by human industrymay have on our own planetary environment.

2. The planet's namesake is the ancient Roman goddessof love, sex and beauty. Modelled on the Greek Aphrodite. One thoroughlyindustrial-strength bodacious babe. Shag her and die ... or dieand shag her, whichever. Compare this image with the nature of the planet's surface and ponder that, as Freddie Mercuryonce put it, love kills.

Venus is looking really nice in the evening sky tonight.

Oh, Venus, please let me have Aurelia Calypyggia in my bed tonight.

See venus, hell, roast, acid, fire, crush, beauty


Second movement in Gustav Holst's famous suite "The Planets" entitled "Venus, the Bringer of Peace." Perhaps the most beautiful of the seven, with violin, cello, and french horn solos.

"Venus, the Bringer of Peace," second movement of "The Planets." Depicts the sheer beauty of the goddess.

See venus, peace, love, beauty, mars, war, hate


Built to provide unlimited sexual gratification, this device was marketed as Venus II from Oct. '93 to April '98 and since then as Venus 2000. It is a one-of-a-kind, hands free masturbation aid with controllable stroking action, that gives powerfully satisfying orgasms. You can achieve an orgasm in minutes or enjoy sensual stroking for hours.

Horny Guy 1: Wanna come over my house tonight cause i just got a Venus n we can play on it instead of with some girl.

Horny Guy 2: Yeah sounds like fun

Slutty Girl 1: God damm i hate the inventor of the Venus. Bitch is limiting my already small amount dick that i can get.

See sybian, venus, masturbation


See aphrodite. Venus definitions 1.1 and 4. Yes, a babe (male or female) who has trouble being cool cause they are so in love with their sexy image.

Jerusha comes to class with a different hair color every day, but she is always wagging her ass and is a flirting, outrageous Venus.


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