What is Verklempt?
Verklempt - choked with emotion (German verklemmt = emotionally inhibited in a convulsive way)
This is not FAKE Yiddish - unless you are one of the linguists who consider Yiddish a "fake", i.e. non-transformational language.
OY, vey. When that schmuck of a doctor told me I had cancer I got all verklempt.
Overcome with emotion / gobsmacked
also spelled verklemmt
"Now I am strating To get Verklempt !!!" Says Barbra Streisand during her 1994 US tour
Extremely emotional. On the verge of tears.
"I'm so verklempt. I am so upset over Andy Pettite leaving the Yankees that I must go out for a very unhealthy, fattening, expensive lunch."
Verklempt (adj) — choked with emotion (German verklemmt = emotionally inhibited in a convulsive way; stuck)farklempt, ferklemptToo emotional to talk. Ready to cry.
Whenever Linda would get upset, she would put her hand on her chest and say "I'm all verklempt" or "I'm a little verklempt"
1. Broken down, unusable, `gornisht helfn.'
2. Overcome with emotion, choked up.
Gaia's Instant Messenger is verklempt.
"Nu? Ayn lid gezingt un dikh tzu verklempt?"
Choked with emotion - as though the throat were *clamped*. Often a result of
The movie's farewell scene left me feeling
verklempt .
being overcome with emotion, usually not of joy, but rather emotions that hurt. As an emotional heartache.
My neighbors house and mine are a total loss, the whole thing's left me so verklempt...