What is Vh1's Fabulous Life Of...?


1. A TV show used as a mechanism to keep poor people oppressed.

2. A show that vicarious losers watch then sit around and "ooh" and "ahh" at all of the celebrities assets.

3. Materialism televised.

Jane: We gotta get home so we won't miss "VH1's Fabulous Life Of..."!

Me: We? Count me out.

Jane: But tonight it's gonna be about Beyonce! If we miss it, I won't know how much Beyonce's worth!

Me: Fuck Beyonce! Why do you thrive off that shit? She's worth alot! Bottom line, her money isn't yours so why are you worried?

Jane: E..you're such a hater!

See garabge, vh1, rich, poor, british


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