
What is Vict?



pronounced (vikt)



A. A declaration assuring that one will NOT do something; a meaningless vow.

B. Something promised and never delivered. Exampe: Someone's words that really means NOTHING.

2.Indication of something favorable to NEVER happen; Example: A one in a million shot to win the lottery.

3. Indication of future let downs: a player of false promise.

4. Getting fucked by the same person over and over.

#1 "Ay Steve, Can I trust you to water my plants and walk my dog when I go on vacation?"

#2 " Yea, Yea."

#1 "You promise?"

#2 'I said yes, sheezz, I wouldn't VICT you buddy."

#1 Thanks

See bean shooter, bullshitter, liar, fraud, phony


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