
What is Victimized?


The word that is used to rub it in someones face after they have been geesed.

example 1 - Ray Lewis murdering Mike Vick

Lewis, "AWWWW, you just got victimized son."

example 2 - Student A Victimizing Student B and Student C confirms it.

Student A - "yo' momma's so fat, she got hit by a parked car"

Student B - "Ohh yea, well....uh..."

Student C - "Awwww snap, you just got victimized tinkerbel"


to be in the same room someone is having sex in when you are unaware of the situation.

Girl 1: "did you hear? Bob and Sue had sex last night at her house party."

Girl 2: "I fell asleep in the same room as Sue!!"

Girl 1: "Ohhh mannn, you got victimized!'

See victim, sex, unaware, oblivious, drunk


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