Video Games

What is Video Games?


The only thing that's fun to do anymore.

Real life sucks.

See Human


An escape from life, like (see weed). When you get back, the problems of life hit you in the face like a brick.

mother: why are you on those games so much?

son: Everything else sucks.

See leah


computerized games involving many gernes of types

I play video games because murder in real life is illegal.


The only thing that brings me joy.

Life is nothing without video games


3D or 2D virtual games that can waste your time for good and fun.

I play videogames because the world outside my house burns t3h Sk1n.


a true test of skill, unless you have it on fuckin easy you nerd!

Nerd: Hey, I just beat Legend of Zelda

Gamer: Who hasnt, motha fucka!


A way to escape, like (see weed). The problems of life slip away, but once reality is back, they hit you in the face like a brick.

mother: why are you on those games all of the time?

son: everything else sucks.

See leah


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