
What is Villany?


a clothing brand which focuses designs for the individual and comes out with its own original shit (no rainbow skittle/half ass Google biting/cut and paste/"im a wannabe designer because I have adobe illustrator" waring bullshit). Its actually a project to take over the world because VILLANY is an invasion...

skaters ware it...

snowboarders ware it...

anybody pushin' a board wares it...

steezy dime breezies ware it...

rich kids ware it...

gangsters ware it...

soon people you know will ware it...

dude without a VP shirt -

"Oh shit SON that dudes rocking VILLANY , damn I gotta get me one of those shirts ...its the VILLANY INVASION"

dude with a VP shirt -

"Yeah Dun this that new shit cuh, all this skittle wearing bullshit be hype, get on the VP SON!"

throw your V up!

See throw, your, v, up


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