
What is V.i.p.?


Very Important Person

for special people, i.e. at the airport, the V.I.P. lounge.

"This section is reserved for V.I.P.'s only"

See very, important, person, special, upscale


Vagina Influenced Personality

When a man becomes pussy whipped, he starts thinking like a vagina. Like his girlfriend's vagina, his brain becomes a hollowed-out void of moist nothingness. Her pussy lips start effecting everything that comes out of his lips. Everything he says to and around her is in hopes of appeasing her so that she will give him vagina access. Common symptoms: Kissing her ass, apologizing for everything, thinking before EVERYTHING you say to her, continuously telling your friends they are "immature" in her presence.

My good buddy Zack told me this dirty joke the other day. When I repeated it in from of his girlfriend, he told me that I was a pervert and that I need to show some respect in front of her. And when I explained that he's the one that told me the joke, he denies it in front of her. Zach has a bad case of the V.I.P.

See vip, whipped, vagina, personality


V.I.P. is an acronym for "Vanilla Ice Paraphrase." It means changing one small part of something and claiming it as your own. Just like Vanilla Ice did in his hit song "Ice Ice Baby." He used a another songs melody and claimed it as his own because of one small change.

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's morning?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate:

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of June,

And summer's lease hath all too short a date".

When a person is confronted with the plagiarism of the poem above the accuser might say, "Just because you V.I.P. a poem doesn't make it yours!"

See vanilla, ice, v.i.p., vip


Smoke pot.


Special place designated to smoke pot.

Let's go VIP.


Come on up to the VIP

See joe


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