What is Virginia Beardy-go-round?


A homosexual act in a which a male participant with a large, bushy beard ties said beard to multiple partners' penises while performing oral sex on another man. This allows for the bearded participant to pleasure multiple male partners at one time. Made famous by Virginia resident Grom Hightower.

Yea Grom was so frisky last night, we all got together and had a Virginia Beardy-Go-Round. Nearly ripped off Mal's dick.

See beard, homosexual, homo, hightower, rusty trombone, wang


A homosexual act in a which a male participant with a large, bushy beard ties said beard to multiple partners' penises while performing oral sex on another man. This allows for the bearded participant to pleasure multiple male partners at one time. Made famous by Virginia resident Grom Hightower.

Yea Grom was so frisky last night, we all got together and had a Virginia Beardy-Go-Round. Nearly ripped off Mal's dick.

See homosexual, orgy, grom, hightower, virginia, beard, bearded dragon


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