
What is Virtuozo?


Compound of "virtuoso" and "bozo". Connoting a master of stupidity, particularly when demonstrated by someone of high public fame and/or notoriety.

"Y'know, George W. Bush and Tom Cruise rarely come to mind at the same time, but both of 'em are truly virtuozos."

See stupid, moron, dumb, idiot, dim, BWB


Compound of "virtuoso" and "bozo". Connoting a master of stupidity, particularly when demonstrated by someone of high public fame and/or notoriety.

"Y'know, George W. Bush and Tom Cruise rarely come to mind at the same time, but both of 'em are truly virtuozos."

See idiot, dolt, stupid, dumb, dense, BWB


Compound of "virtuoso" and "bozo". Connoting a master of stupidity, particularly when conducted by someone of high public fame and/or notoriety.

"Y'know, George W. Bush and Tom Cruise rarely come to mind at the same time, but both of 'em are truly virtuozos."

See bozo, idiot, imbecile, dolt, moron, BWB


Compound of "virtuoso" and "bozo". Connoting a master of stupidity, particularly when demonstrated by someone of high public fame and/or notoriety.

"Y'know, George W. Bush and Tom Cruise rarely come to mind at the same time, but both of 'em are truly virtuozos."

See dolt, simpleton, dumb, twit, BWB


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