What is Vitamin G?
Florida's Natural fruit snacks made by Aúsome Fruit Snacks. The fruit snacks come in either string or nugget form and are only in strawberry flavor. However, Vitamin G is only used by an elite group. It is usually distributed among G's/z at lunch time, but it can be used in times of extreme need and/or desire, such as an Ajemian DBQ. Members of the G nation are given Vitamin G to G Up on these whack teachers, students, and people in general. Vitamin G provides G's with energy and confidence (that they have stored/potential energy) to continue and accomplish the day with everlasting strength. The saying that goes along with Vitamin G is, "G UP!"
Walter: "Hook me up with some Vitamin G."
Eric: "What you know about that?"
Donny: "It's apple flavor!"
Kiyong: "VITAMIN G!"
Ben LEE: "Oh vitamin G is so good."
John Lee (Not G): What's Vitamin G?"
All: "G UP!"
used for ganja (weed) in some engineering colleges in India
"Dude, lets take some vitamin g tonight"
Well its like
In fact, it really is.
Bart: Man i hate mowing the lawn
Homer: Here, use Vitamin G
(grass lites on fire)
Bart: Umm...dad
Homer: Don't worry it's a "Controlled Burn"
The love juice of anyone who's first name begins with g.
Greg: Time for your daily does
Stephanie: Mmmmn I love vitamin G