Vitamin Water

What is Vitamin Water?


the most awesome drink ever created

hey im going to the store

pick me up a vitamin water!!!

See margaret


God's gift to man. The best stuff to to come from a bottle, par none. The most common brand is made by Glaceau. Commonly drunk by high middle class white kids because they can afford it's 1.75$-per-bottle price tag

Person 1: I'm going to the store... anyone want anything?

Fatass: Get me some bacon!

Piece O' Lard: I need some processed sugar!

David Hasselhof: Get me some... VITAMIN WATER!

See orgasm in a bottle, sicknasty, good shit


The greatest beverage to mankind as we know it. It is as if God himself gave J. Darius Bikof the power to combine vitamins and water, and graced us with this delicious yet all so healthy drink.

Person 1: Im going to the store you want anything

*Person 2 runs to person 1 and hands him 10 dollars*

Person 2: As much Vitamin Water as this can buy!!!

See delicious, vitamin, exercise, work out, love


1. Orgasm in a bottle.

2. Explosion of deliciousness.

When I go to Albertson's I buy 20 dollars worth of Vitamin Water-Energy because it's CRAZY DELICIOUS!

See i, pee, in, the, vitamin water, bottle, when, done


A product that is essentially a scam, marketed to sound nutritious. The catchy names sound good enough at first, but it's just marketing being employed. It has become an addiction to many people, usually in the USA.

Vitamin water is sugar water. While pure water bottles can hydrate you properly, the sugar water nullifies much of that effect and makes it somewhat like a disguised carbonated soft drink. This is why many people feel hyper after drinking vitamin water, and it provides one of those spontaneous bursts of energy that leave your body more tired afterwards, though most people don't realize it, and mistake the initial burst as the "magic touch", and they don't understand why they feel so tired afterwards. This is what also generates its addicting power, and what makes people shell out $3 for it.

Plus, don't drink more than one bottle, ever, because it will give you a vitamin overdose and leave you with severe symptoms such as a migraine headache, nausea, walking difficulties, blurry vision and more. Besides that, the sugar assists to bloat you.

Vitamin water is a modern scam!

See vitamin water, unhealthy, sugar, dehydration, flavor, marketing, scam, carbonated, vitamin, overdose


A drink that teenagers carry around to look cool and act like they care about their health (like they didn't just eat a quarter pounder and fries from McDonalds). Sadly, what these poor kids don't know is that vitamin waters add water weight to your stomach=THEY GIVE YOU A FAT,SACK-LIKE BEER BELLY! (betcha didn't know that!) -Vitamin Waters are the reason so many teenage girls have those pudjy little love handles hanging out from the sides of their mid-drifts. yet still, teenagers gulp these down like they are a drink from the gods, when they taste like diluted kool-aid.But they make you look "healthy" and "cool" and that's all that matters!

girl 1: I've been working out 4 times a week at the gym, playing tennis, and eating nothing but salad and drinking nothing but Vitamin Waters.

girl 2: so what's the problem?


girl 2: damn those Vitamin Waters!


The most vile drink in the world it taste like liquified ass and moronic preps inhale it like a preist with holy water.

Prep1: man this is good stuff

Courtyard kid1: man that kid is retarted

Prep1: It's like the gods have smiled down upon us

Courtyard kid1: Hey you dubass prep go play in traffic its good for your health like vitamin water!

Prep1: Ok!

Courtyard kid1: (mutters) moron

See vitamin water, courtyard kid, prep, moron, traffic


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