
What is Vladimir?


A brand of vodka that puts you into a state of absolute fubarwhich very little consumption. The side-effects are rather bad, involving:

Puking up instestines, puking up whats left of your insides, lasting intoxication, intoxication after about your 18th shot (if you have been drinking it for abit). But if your a beerjockey, stick to small numbers ;).

Usually tastes like absolute ass, chaser or mixing is highly recommending, not that it will help much. Weak of stomach is reminded this substance isnt for you.

ME - "Be warned, thats vladimir"

YOU - "aah, thats nothing" *GULP*

YOU - "AAAAH AUGH IT BURNS IT BURNS AAAHAHHHH" *blarg* *puke* *spit* *more puke*


YOU - "Ach!!!!"


The term to name anybody who has fornicated with a mammal other than a human.

Originates from the Russian word "vlad" meaning "to fuck", and "mir", meaning "animal".

Oh man, i am such a badass! I just vladimired that horse over there!

I was so blazed i vladimired the horse, and my friend got it all on camera.

See horse, necrophile, nasty, animal lover, naacp


Slang for going to the toilet to do excrement, or pooh. Rhymes with and is short for "Vladimir Putin".

"I'm going to go do a Vladimir."

See corney


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