
What is Vomiphiliac?


A person who is sexually attracted to vomit. Vomiphiliacs enjoy engaging in activities such as hurling onto their hands and then masturbating with them. There are a variety of ways in which vomiphiliacs elicit their treasured stimulus. Alcohol and the classic finger down the throat are favorites.

It is apparent that vomiphiliacs enjoy vexual assault. Do not be mistaken. Though "vex" makes it sound like a great deal of annoyance afflicts the victim, this is not the case. Vomiphiliac rape usually involves the rape victim being covered in the throw-up of the rapist and afterwards, having the vomit scooped up and eaten. Ejaculating onto vomit is also a favorite form of vomiphiliac vexual activity.

It is unclear if vomiphiliacs are broken up the same way as fecephiliacs. The current accepted theory is all vomiphiliacs are bivomiphiliacs, in that they enjoy any vomit they come accross.

Vomiphiliac: Fuckin' throw up on my cock!

See vomiphiliac, throw up, disgusting, shit, gross, fecephiliac, repulsive


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